The iThemba Baraa Primary School project was delighted to receive twenty five kilograms of donations from Pack for a Purpose through Machweo and Onsea House guests in the past 3 months. The donations ranged from footballs and frisbees, to books, pencils, crayons, pencil sharpeners and art materials.

The generosity of our guests has made everyone at Baraa very happy. The sports coach is enjoying using the new footballs as they always have a huge number being repaired – the joys of playing football on stony ground. The art classes are really doing great work, the students have been making beautiful postcards – which were sold to help raise money for the school vegetable garden. The classrooms look much brighter with maps and other posters hanging on the walls.

Baraa is also excited to receive all the really invaluable pens, pencils and other stationery items; with 1400 students they go through a lot of pencils and other everyday items. Also the art supplies and educational games will be put to good use by the volunteers in the extracurricular classes which are now part of the daily routine.

A big ‘Thank You’ from a grateful Baraa Primary School!